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Emmett Williams’ Litany and Response No.2 for Alison Knowles performed by Dick Higgins during Festum Festum Fluxorum Fluxus, Musik und Antimusik – Das Instrumentale Theater, in Staatliche Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
Date/ 1963.2.2-1963.2.3
Artist(Credit Line)/ Manfred Leve
Classification/ Photography
Dimensions / 20.3×25.4cm (8x10inch)
Medium / B&W Photograph

Emmett Williams’ 1962 score Litany and Response No.2 for Alison Knowles repeats two sentences “how are you dear alison?” and “very well thank you oscar,” with a changing permutation of their vowels so that the sentences are transformed into “haw ero yue daar ilosen?”, “very wall thonk you ascor”, “hew oru yea dair olesen?”, “vary woll thunk yoa oscar,” and so on. The photograph shows Higgins playing Litany Piano Piece for Emmett Williams (1962) while Williams reading out this score in Festum Fluxorum Fluxus, Musik und Antimusik – Das Instrumentale Theater held in Staatliche Kunstakademie Düsseldorf in 1963.
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