
카카오톡으로 퍼가기 페이스북으로 퍼가기
Dick Higgins’ Sound of the Animals Dying, 13 to 1 from Twenty-Seven Episodes for the Aquarian Theater to the Recognition of Antonin Artaud in The Broadway Opera, Die Lupe, Köln
Date/ 1962
Artist(Credit Line)/ Manfred Leve
Classification/ Photography
Dimensions / 20.3×25.4cm (8x10inch)
Medium / B&W Photograph

The photograph is one of the performances taking place in Dick Higgins’ The Broadway Opera held at Die Lupe, Köln on 11 November 1962: Sound of the Animals Dying, 13 to 1 from Twenty-Seven Episodes for the Aquarian Theater to the Recognition of Antonin Artaud. Six well-dressed artists made intentionally immature sounds by gargling, groaning and shrieking. From the left of the picture are Higgins, Frank Trowbridge, Alison Knowles, Jed Curtis and Agna Redemann. Higgins composed Twenty-Seven Episodes when he studied in the class of John Cage who taught experimental composition in The New School, New York from 1957 to 1959. Six episodes out of this work were premiered in 1959 by The Audio-Visual Group that Higgins formed with Al Hansen in New York.
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