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NJP Reader #2 – Ecological Thinking
admin - December 23, 2011
Hits 2815
Seongeun Kim, Mari Dumett, Jaehee Kim, Eduardo Kac, Jamie Allen, Sangae Park, Yujean Rhee, Kyunghwa Ahn, Manu Park
Nam June Paik Art Center

Each issue of focuses on a specific theme; the first issue had a subtitle “Contributions to an Artistic Anthropology.” The second issue of now out carries five papers dealing with the topic of “ecological thinking.” Ecology is handled in these papers, not only as a notion that normally conjures up such words as ’living organism’ or ‘nature,’ but also philosophical, aesthetic, anthropological and political ones over the broader environment that humans and non-humans share. Ecological thinking is crucial to Nam June Paik’s art which delves into relationality and connectivity to situate man, machine and nature in a single framework, which the authors analytically explore in the papers. This book also features essays on the Nam June Paik Art Center Archives and the interview project, which are important part of the Nam June Paik Art Center’s academic activities, in order to increase the interest of many researchers in Paik’s art and life.

Table of contents
  • Foreword – Manu Park (Director, Nam June Paik Art Center)
  • Again, in the wake of Nam June Paik – Kyunghwa Ahn (Chief Curator, Nam June Paik Art Center)
  • Seongeun Kim (Curator, Nam June Paik Art Center) / Man-Machine-Nature, from Critique to Composition: Bruno Latour, Nam June Paik and Ecological Thinking
  • Mari Dumett (Prof. in Art History, Wesleyan University) / Nam June Paik’s ‘Art for Cybernated Life’: An Evolution in New Media
  • Jaehee Kim (Lecturer in Philosophy, Seonggyungwan University) / Beyond Cybernetics on Transductivity of Technology and Art
  • Eduardo Kac (Prof. in Art and Technology, Art Institute of Chicago) / Origin and Development of Robotic Art
  • Jamie Allen (Lecturer in Digital Media, New Castle University) / Traveling at the Speed of Nam June Paik
  • Art Archiving: Nam June Paik Art Center Archives – Sangae Park (Archivist, Nam June Paik Art Center)
  • Nam June Paik Art Center Interview Project – Yujean Rhee (Curator, Nam June Paik Art Center)
  • Enchanting Energy and Projection of Connections: Christo Interview

(ISSN 2092-9315, 254 pages)

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