[Gift of NJP 4] TELEVISION, de-, inter-, trans-
Television is evolving to become like a kind of organism in the current milieu of new media. This international symposium looks into the ways Nam June Paik insightfully explored the changing relationships between television and our perception of the world. What characterizes Paik’s artistic experimental televisions is ‘to defamiliarise’, ‘to interface’ and ‘to transcend’, which this symposium invites you to discuss together with eminent scholars in different fields.
2011.10.07(Fri) ~ 2011.10.08(Sat)
SBS Hall (13F, SBS Broadcasting Center, Mok-dong)
Day 1 Session : Friday 7th October
Opening Remarks: Manu Park (Director, Nam June Paik Art Center)
Greetings: Youngbin Kwon (President, Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation)
Session Introduction: Seongeun Kim (Research Curator, Nam June Paik Art Center)
Yvonne Spielmann (Prof. of New Media, University of the West of Scotland)
“Mediatization and Remediatization: Electronic Experiments by Nam June Paik and Dara Birnbaum”
“Mediatization and Remediatization: Electronic Experiments by Nam June Paik and Dara Birnbaum”
Hyoungil Joo (Prof. of Media and Communication, Yeungnam University)
“Television and Video: from Happening to Self-Reflection”
“Television and Video: from Happening to Self-Reflection”
Tea & Coffee Break
Sangho Kim (Prof. of Journalism and Mass Communication, Daegu University)
“Moon – the Oldest TV, Global Village – Humanity Connected by TV: Nam June Paik and Marshall McLuhan”
“Moon – the Oldest TV, Global Village – Humanity Connected by TV: Nam June Paik and Marshall McLuhan”
Discussion: Manu Park (Director, Nam June Paik Art Center), Bongkeun Yoo (Research Prof.,Institute of Humanities, Soonchunhyang University)
Day 2 Session : Saturday 8th October
Session Introduction: Seongeun Kim (Research Curator, Nam June Paik Art Center)
[Keynote Speech] David Joselit (Prof. of History of Art, Yale University)
“Nam June Paik and the Three Ages of Video”
“Nam June Paik and the Three Ages of Video”
Hyunjean Lee (Prof. of Media Art, Yonsei University)
“Multiple Levels of Closed Feedback Loops in Contemporary Moving Images: Based on Media Artworks using the Camera-Screen Interface”
“Multiple Levels of Closed Feedback Loops in Contemporary Moving Images: Based on Media Artworks using the Camera-Screen Interface”
Tea & Coffee Break
Dieter Daniels (Prof. of Art History & Media Theory, Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst)
“Touching Television: Participation Media with Marshall McLuhan, John Cage and Nam June Paik”
“Touching Television: Participation Media with Marshall McLuhan, John Cage and Nam June Paik”
Discussion: Kwanghyun Shim (Prof. of Cinema Studies, Korea National University of Arts),
Wonkon Yi (Prof. of Fine Arts, Dankook University)
Wonkon Yi (Prof. of Fine Arts, Dankook University)
Public Transport
By Subway Line 5 – Omokgyo, Exit 1 or 2 / By Bus (Getting off at Omokgyo Station) – 6636, 6622, 6618
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