“You were half right,” which was delivered through Good Morning Mr. Orwell, Nam June Paik’s satellite project in 1984, is a message from Paik to George Orwell who discussed social dysfunction that might be caused by electronic technology development. The development of electronic technology has lead to social changes as well as archival methodologies. How to preserve moving images stored as electronic signals should deal with issues of migrating contents: presenting visual components: conserving temporality that media contains: and emulating platforms such as software and hardware. What would be options to preserve electronic signals and human perception on the same contents? As living in-between analogue and digital eras, it would be our generation’s assignment that finds out ways to archive artistic heritage stored on technology-based medium. This would also work as a device for future society which might exist on sole digital infrastructure. With case studies of Paik’s video sculpture and video archives, we will discuss archiving methodology for electromagnetic signals as well as hardware and develop discourse in media conservation.
Sang Ae Park (Archivist, Nam June Paik Art Center) manages Nam June Paik Art Center Archives comprising manuscript collections regarding Paik: studio collections consisting of furniture and records in Paik’s studios in New York: and video archives collection made up of analogue videos tapes that Paik worked. Park is interested in media and digital archives. Studying Library and Information Science and Political Science, she earned another master’s degree in Archives from Pratt Institute, New York. She had worked as a project archivist at Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum New York.
Kijun Lee (Technician, Nam June Paik Art Center) is an expert in medial art installation, specializing in Nam June Paik’s artwork installation and conservation. With Mr. Jung Sung Lee, a technician for Paik, he installed Paik’s works for Paik Nam June – Video Rhapsody(2007) and Special exhibition for Gyeongju World Culture Expo(2007); and he also performed maintenance work for Megatron/Matrix at Smithsonian American Art Museum and Seoul Rhapsody at Seoul Museum of Art. As a technician at Nam June Paik Art Center, his practice explores maintaining Paik’s artwork and researching on technology–based artwork conservation.
Sohyun Ahn (Curator, Nam June Paik Art Center) studied Aesthetics and received her master’s degree in French contemporary aesthetics. After her Master2(former D.E.S.S) in Museology and New Media, she received Ph. D. with the thesis titled Sense of Museum Space: Semiotic Analysis of Museographic elements in France. Her museum exhibitions include X_sound: John Cage, Nam June Paik and After, Tireless Refrain, Learning Machine, Nam June Paik on Stage, Good Morning Mr. Orwell 2014, and among others. She was awarded the 2002 Wolgan Art Prize.
Fee: N/A, but booking essential (on a first-come, first-served basis, 60 seats available per event)
* NJPAC complimentary exhibition tickets will be offered to those who attend the event.
How to book: by email (reservation@njpartcenter.kr) ※ Please make sure that your email has the subject heading of ‘Paik-Orwell Club booking’ and the following information: name, institution, telephone number, and event title. Text messages will be sent to confirm your booking
Enquiry: +82(0)31-201-8557/8559
*This event will be conducted in Korean only.