[3] Globe, Global: Social Change and Media Art
2pm Friday 23 May
Seminar Room, 2F Nam June Paik Art Center
Locating his work at the intersection of art and communication, Paik saw satellite art as “a high-tech version of the legend of Altair and Vega,” as an arena where people who had little contact with each other in this and that side of the globe can be connected. Curating and staging a satellite opera Good Morning Mr. Orwell, however, Paik came to be deeply concerned with how to instantaneously manage various nations, and how to deal with discrepancies in common sense, problems caused by prejudices, and cultural differences. Thirty years later, we are today still left with these questions, acutely aware that the adjective ‘global’ does not necessarily indicate an ideal world of ‘global village’ even though movement and migration are becoming widespread and telecommunications technologies are developing more rapidly than ever. Having been a student of Paik’s, German media artist Ingo Günther will talk about his works like World Processor and Refugee Republic, which take the ‘globe’ as material and subject matter and are combined with journalism, and will discuss the issues of globalization and the artist’s role for social changes.
※ The talk will be conducted in German and German-Korean translations will be provided.
※ This event is co-organized by Goethe-Institut Korea, ADeKo(Alumninetzwerk Deutschland-Korea) and Nam June Paik Art Center.
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Ingo Günther is a New York-based German-born artist. He studied ethnology and cultural anthropology at Goethe University in Frankfurt and sculpture and media at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf under Fritz Schwegler, Günther Uecker and Nam June Paik. He played a pioneering and crucial role in the evaluation and interpretation of satellite data for international print media and TV news. He was a founding professor at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne in the early 1990s. In 2000, he was invited to show his works and present at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos. Currently he is an adviser to New York Hall of Science and also an adviser and artistic director of Tochoji, Tokyo’s oldest Zen Temple.
N/A, but booking essential (on a first-come, first-served basis, 60 seats available per each event) * NJPAC complimentary exhibition tickets will be offered to those who attend the event.
How to book
by email (reservation@njpartcenter.kr) ※ Please make sure that your email has the subject heading of ‘Paik-Orwell Club booking’ and the following information: name, institution, telephone number, and event title. Text messages will be sent to confirm your booking.
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