
카카오톡으로 퍼가기 페이스북으로 퍼가기
Date/ 1964
Artist(Credit Line)/ Takehisa Kosugi
Classification/ Object
Dimensions / 1x12x9cm
Medium / Plastic box, 13 instruction cards

Along with the idea of ‘Fluxkit’ that George Maciunas conceived in 1964, Fluxus artists produced multiple editions of kits encompassing a selection of miscellaneous objects and sheets of paper as graphic scores for the user to read or manipulate as with interactive games. The kits were packed together in a small attaché case for sale, which was first advertised in the fourth Fluxus newspaper, fLuxus cc fiVeThReE that also contained Nam June Paik’s essay, Afterlude to the Exposition of Experimental Television. The plastic box of this Fluxkit contains thirteen offset cards of Takehisa Kosugi’s scores including: Chironomy No.1 that instructs you to put out a hand from a window for long time, as well as Organic Music and South.
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이전 다음 Collection
Korea Open Government License
Korea Open Government License
Attribution (BY), Non-commercial (NC), No Derivative Works (ND)