Program Overveiw
Lesson 1. Hello, Mr. Paik: With the Steps of NJP
A creative media workshop designed to appreciate the explore the works of Nam June Paik, extend and reinterpret their meanings and concepts in a contemporary way.
Lesson 2. Time Garden
Intensive appreciation of one of Paik’s major works, TV Garden, and creation of Time Garden by parents and kids together.
Lesson 3. Be a Teen NJP Docent
To be a teen docent to understand the works from a teeenager’s perspective, write a script in his or her own words and communicate with visitors.
Kumdarak Saturday Cultural Schools is an out-of-school arts & culture education program hosted by the Gyeonggi Province, and sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Korea Arts & Culture Education Service. It offers arts & culture education programs for children and youths every Saturday to establish a culture of leisure in which they can develop artistic and cultural knowledge and communicate with peers and family members.
- I. Foreword
- II. Prologue
- III. Program Overview
- IV. Program
Lesson 1. Hello, Mr. Paik: With the Steps of NJP
Lesson 2. Time Garden
Lesson 3. Be a Teen NJP Docent - V. Postscript
- VI. About Mediators
- VII. Epilogue